Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Cell Phone Etiquette

Reading a recent Techdirt commentary on a NY Times article got me thinking. Both deal with cell phone ettiquette, and I have pretty solidified opinions on the time and place for cell and regular phone use.

The cellphone is a marvel of modern technology. It allows instant communication anywhere on the planet (barring dead zones, like the back left corner of my room of course). Small children are even carrying these devices at a growing, if not alraming rate. When I was young, the only communication avenues available were either a yell from my mother out the front door of my house, or a phone call placed to the house I was playing adjacent to. Cellphones have invaded our culture and are here to stay. Mom's don't have to yell down the street anymore, they can just speed dial Timmy and Suzy to come home for dinner.

This invasion cause problems of course. The cellphone is being used in places where no phone has ever gone before and without any regard for those not involved in the call. Traditionally, the phone was an appliance in the house, and phone calls were limited to when you were at home, or the office. Now phone calls can be placed from anywhere to anywhere, and this needs to stop. Now.

In my head there is a growing list of places in which the cellphone should not be used, and another list in which cellphone use is ok, with rules.

The No-Call List:

  • The Gym(A girl actually had the gaul to plop down on a stairmaster next to me, and proceed to call everyone she knew during her 40 minutes "Hills" session)
  • A Funeral Parlor
  • An Elevator
  • During a Business Meeting
  • In Line/Queue(Those around you are agitated enough by the wait, don't fuel the fire)

The Stop and Think List:

  • At a Restuarant - Never answer your phone unless its from a caller who might have an emergency, like the babysitter or your grandmother. Otherwise, let it go to voice mail and call after dinner. I'm sure your drinkin buddies can wait an hour to hear from you.
  • On the Train/Bus - Never talk on the phone while on the train/bus. Unless you are taking the Acela line and business is to be expected. Otherwise, think of those around you. Most are tired and weary and would rather be jostled around in peace. Furthermore, in most train/bus situations you have to raise your voice to be heard over said jostling, so why bother.
  • In a Movie Theater - I think most people know not to answer their phones during a film, but I feel that the general quiet nature of the room should inhibit calls during the coming attractions and the "Pre-Show Entertainment(Read: Commercials)"
  • At Work - We have desk phones, use them. Otherwise tell your loved ones that you can't talk because you are at work. If its an emergency then call away, but otherwise save it for later.
  • In a Car - In most cases it should be against the rules to use a phone in a car. First off, no one is really that capable of driving while talking on the phone. Even with a handsfree setup, people are still distracted and this is just dangerous to those around you. Its ok to make short calls, like "Be home soon" or "do you need anything at the store," but making or taking calls because you are simply bored should be prohibited. In another situation, one shouldn't take/make calls while in a car with one other person. Again, quick calls are ok, but otherwise try talking to your travel mate. Its just plain rude to talk on the phone while in the car with someone because while you are on the phone haveing a ball, they have to sit in silence because a) their conversation partner is busy and b) you probably had the radio turned down to make the call. The only conselation for the person not on the phone is the act of deciphering the context of the conversation, from only half the words. The only exception to the rule is if three people are in the car and the caller doesn't expect the radio turn-down service.
  • While doing manual labor - If you are helping a friend move or something like that, don't answer you phone. Time is usually of the essence, and things need to get done. Make your calls afterwards or during downtime. Generally speaking, if you being on the phone is causing a someone else to wait for you, then the call probably shouldn't happen.
  • At the beach - Phone calls at the beach are ok by me unless they are loud. The beach is a place of relaxation, I don't need to hear about what you did at the club last night with all your friends. I've been tempted many times to try and "skip" someones clamshell style phone right into the waves.

Now this list doesn't encompass all of the cellphone no-no's but I'll update it as needed.

As a parting note: Anybody who walks around with their bluetooth headset in their ear while NOT on the phone is an idiot. Sure you can answer your calls at the push of a button and continue doin whatever your hands were doing prior to answering. But come on, you look absolutely rediculous filling your gas tank or ordering a drink looking like something out of Star Trek. Put the headset in your pocket and use it when needed. The whole practice is like wearing sunglasses all the time because you might encounter bright light in your travels...

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